Improved Quality & Safety

Driving cultures of excellence through person-centered care

There is a powerful link between person-centered practices and improvements in quality and safety metrics. From the engagement of care partners to improve medical outcomes, to a workforce of caregivers empowered to deliver the highest quality of care, explore the impact of Planetree on on patient safety and high reliability.

50% Reduction

in serious safety event rate

100% Improvement

In days between serious safety incident

Full Grade Improvement

in Leapfrog Patient Safety Grade

Better Health Through Co-Design

Clinical outcomes often depend on a patient's adherence to their treatment plans. Planetree's team of experts provide the tools and guidance necessary to partner with patients and loved ones as engaged members of the care team.  Our evidence-based practices help caregivers meet patients where they are, identifying the personalized goals, and unique social determinants of health that improve health outcomes and reduce readmission rates.

Creating a Safety Culture

Quality and safety are directly linked to patient experience and employee engagement. And when employees feel they have a voice in the policies, procedures, and decisions made, they are more inclined to comply and spread this culture of safety. Planetree partners with organizations to create culture of co-design, engaging employees at all levels, and improving patient safety and experience.

We have become a great place to work and have the highest physician engagement scores we've ever had. I fundamentally believe that Planetree is the foundation that lifted us up to be able to achieve these outcomes.
- Kathleen Silard
President and CEO, Stamford Health

Increased Reliability Through Improved Communication

Communication within and across teams is essential to cultures of safety. In order to ensure transparent and honest communication, organizations must also possess a culture of psychological safety. Planetree coaches organizations on the essential elements of trust and communication to build trust within teams and achieve high reliability healthcare.

Let’s chat about creating healthcare transformation today.

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